Wow, it’s been a while since the blog has been updated with a member project. However, I know for a fact that our members are always busy with projects: we talk about them every Tuesday night! So in the spirit of Do-ocracy, I’ve started pestering my fellow hackers to get me information on their projects, so we can post them here. For a quick list of examples, we have members working on projects like:
- power monitoring solutions for the home (several members building their own systems)
- some of those power monitoring solutions extend into home automation
- a solar powered base station to extend networking beyond a foothill to his house in the next valley
- reverse-engineering an RC car’s protocol
- ultra high resolution microphotos:
- an LED video screen on a wearable shirt
- art projects for Apogea and Burning Man art festivals
- an LED augmented motion sensitive umbrella
- a cargo bike
- hand crafted teardrop trailer
In addition to these individual projects, we also have ongoing work on the hackerspace itself.
- we’ve obtained four Lulzbot printers from their production line retrofit. This is where hackerspaces were given the option to buy their phased out equipment for cheap. A couple of our members have taken on the task of getting them up and running and at home in what was our admin office.
- some members working on an aquaponics setup, including one at the space
As we get back to project of the week, we will feature these projects and more. Stay tuned…