Hello everyone,
Quite a bit has been happening with the group the last few weeks. Weekly meetings are going well and there has been an interest group formed for building a Scanning Tunneling Electron Microscope using (among other things) an arduino, some piezoelectric elements and a fiber of fiberglass. We now have an IRC channel registered on the freenode network, so come and join us in #solidstatedepot if you’re online. We are planning to have a get together in a few weeks. The date and location have not been finalized yet but picture beer, pizza and possibly BBQ in one of Boulder’s beautiful parks. We are still on the hunt for a suitable location for the space, as well as actively inviting new visitors and members to come and check out what we’re all about.
Hackerspace Update

Hey, have you guys hooked up with Sacha De’Angeli? He’s doing an STM too. He’s very collaborative.