SSD member Rob just put up a writeup of his red bike. It is what is called a retro-direct. It is a derailleurless bike with two speeds. One speed is achieved by pedaling forward, the other by pedaling backwards! For more info check out the wiki page
Archive for June, 2011
Friend of SSD featured on Hackaday

Today Jack Gassett has a post up on Hackaday where he is doing some serious ball grid array rework using his tried and true pancake griddle(!). Jack has been dropping by the shop a lot lately, showing us all the cool stuff he has been whipping up with his papilio FPGA. He even donated a […]
MakerFaire Recap

Maker Faire San Mateo was in full swing a few weekends back. For those who don’t know, Maker Faire is a menagerie of DIY, crafting, hacking, learning, teaching and most importantly making. If you have never heard of it, it is worth looking up. There is another faire in New York Coming up this year […]