An Arduino, a bit of ws2812 LED strip, and some sanded acrylic tube make the perfect light for a jack-o-lantern. If you’ve ever wanted to play with the intelligent LEDs like the ws2812, I highly recommend using FastLED to drive them. The library has a good set of examples bundled with it, one of which […]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
CNC Drawing class

Thursday night’s CNC Basics class went well, and will likely be a recurring class. Be sure to keep looking on our Meetup page for the next one if you missed it.
New lights for the high bay

Fluorescent lights suck. Aside from the minor mercury toxicity hazard if they’re broken and the mediocre light quality, the bigger problem for us is getting up to the ceiling to replace them. At 8′ long, they’re a bit ungainly when at the top of a ladder that is barely stabilized. Needless to say, between […]
Cleanup aftermath

Here are the pictures from the clean up.. This is the stuff that was not labeled and needs to be gone through or its out in a week. This is the new member storage…I think everyone should be able to see there labeled storage containers. This is the stuff on the front burner […]
We’re at Denver Mini Maker Faire! Drop by and say hi!

We have a booth at the NoCo Maker Faire, drop by and say hello! We have several projects this faire: Cymatics, A.R.F.F (Automatic Release Fun Feeder), Mini Sound Puddle (Porta-Puddle!) and last but not least, OOBLECK! Be sure to come by and see these projects!
Member Project of the month: the Auto Release Fun Feeder (A.R.F.F.)

Anyone with a bored puppy will tell you, they can be a handful of trouble. Meet Olive, SSD member Jen F’s puppy. Olive was getting bored in the middle of the day while Jen and her family were out of the home. Olive took to finding ways to entertain herself that was becoming a problem. […]
We are now a 501(c)3 organization!

SSD is now recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization! We are now able to take tax deductable donations!
Come see us at Boulder Mini-Maker-Faire!

We’re setup in the Boulder County Fair Grounds exhibit building. Come see us and say hello! As always, the Cyclophone is a popular crowd pleaser. Here member Rob B. demonstrates it to some faire participants. Our cymatics displays were popular. However, further investigation needs to be done on driving the surface transducer that powers […]
Friction welding with ABS filament

Hack-a-day had an article a short while ago about welding ABS parts together with a short length of ABS filament in the chuck of a dremel tool. The idea is to use the friction from the fast spinning filament to melt the plastic at the junction of the spinning filament and parts. You can find […]
Project of the week: Estimating distance with SimpleCV

This week’s project-of-the-week comes in the form of a computer vision project by our member Brandon. He’s using SimpleCV on a Raspberry Pi to recognize a circle of a certain color, and then estimate distance to it based on comparing it’s known size to the size it sees with the camera. Brandon has posted some […]