Boulder Hackerspace’s first ever video game tournament! (Super Smash Bros)

Last Weekend on November 15th 2014 the Boulder Hackerspace had its very first video game tournament. The games played were Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Project M and Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. There were 5 events in total, Melee singles, Melee doubles, Project M singles, Project M doubles and Smash 3DS singles.   Here are some pictures of the tournament as it was happening.Overview

Melee Friendlies

One fun thing about this particular series of games is that they are often played on old heavy CRT TVs instead of modern HDTVs. This is because Super Smash Bros Melee is such an old game that HDTVs lag compared to CRT tvs. The lag is only fractions of a second, but is noticeable and distracting when playing a fast-paced fighting game.

Project M and Melee Pools

All of the big CRT TVs you see in these pictures were brought to the Boulder Hackerspace by the participants just for this tournament. And here’s a video of grand finals for Project M singles

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