3D printing has started to become the talk of the town; so why not throw a workshop and teach others how to use it for their own personal projects? After all, we have 2 of them and have spawned about 18 of these self replicating machines with many other prototypes, trinkets, gadgets, and gizmos that […]
Archive for the ‘workshops’ Category
March Workshops

We have a few workshops scheduled for March: Monday, March 11, 6-9 pm: Arduino Hack Night We will answer (hopefully) all the questions you have about Arduino, and potentially getting you started (or finished) with an Arduino project. This is a free BYOB (Bring your own board) event open to members and non-members alike. See […]
Last Call for Soldering Workshop This Weekend!

Soldering Workshop: MintyBoost What: MintyBoost Mobile Device Charging kit When: Saturday, October 13, 2012, 12:00pm – 3:00pm Where: Solid State Depot, 5311 Western Avenue, Suite 115, Boulder, CO 80301 Why: To learn to solder! And, to have a sweet mobile device charger that you built.! Who: Instructed by Joel. Cost: Members: $13, Non-Members $25 Want […]
Solid State Depot Fall Workshops/Classes!!!

Summer is coming to an end, and that means school is back in session. To get into the swing of things we’re putting on workshops/classes galore! We will be putting on events three weekends in a row starting October 13th. We are now hosting all of our events through Meetup.com. This will slightly change the […]
Arduino Class at Communikey Festival

On Friday April 27, Solid State Depot teamed up with SparkFun and the CU Hackerspace Club to offer an Intro to Arduino class as part of the Communikey Festival. The class was held at the CU-Boulder campus in the ATLAS building. About 15 students attended. Dave from SparkFun led the instruction and did a wonderful […]
Arduino Communications Workshop

Who: You! What: Arduino Communications Workshop When: Saturday, March 24, 2012, 11:00am-2:00pm Where: Solid State Depot Why: because you know you want to. Cost: Free class with kit available for purchase, $20 for members, $35 for non-members This Saturday, March 24, from 11:00am-2:00pm, we will be having part two of our Arduino Workshop double header. […]
Arduino Workshops

Saturday March 17 from 11 am – 2 pm we will be having an Arduino workshop. It will be a combination of “learn basic Arduino” and “train the teachers”. Joel is bringing several Protosnaps for the basic Arduino instruction, cost details forthcoming. March 24 or 31 we are planning for a more advanced Arduino workshop, […]
Second Second Solderday

This coming Saturday January 14 from noon until 2pm we will hold another soldering open house. The flavor of this event will be like last month: open-house style, likely to be followed by heating up the bbq grill for a late lunch, etc. If soldering is not your thing but you’ve wanted to check out […]
Introducing: Second Solderdays!

This coming Saturday December 10 from noon until 3pm we will hold a soldering open house. The flavor of this event will be: open-house style: feel free to drop in anytime between noon and 3 pm we’ll have several soldering iron stations and solder available for use we’ll provide general instruction on how to solder, […]
Our First Basic Arduino Workshop

On Saturday we held our first workshop on the popular open-source electronics prototyping platform, the Arduino. We plan to offer this intro workshop again along with some more advanced Arduino workshops as well in 2012. While we certainly had a few bumps – fresh snow, one of our instructors unable to attend, a late start […]